/* Deluxe Menu Data File Created by Deluxe Tuner v3.5 http://deluxe-menu.com */ // -- Deluxe Tuner Style Names var itemStylesNames=["top","topright","middle","middle2","bottom","bottom2","middle3","sep","middle4","middle5","btn","btntask","item1","startbtn",]; var menuStylesNames=["Start Menu","Individual Style",]; // -- End of Deluxe Tuner Style Names //--- Common var isHorizontal=1; var smColumns=1; var smOrientation=0; var dmRTL=0; var pressedItem=-2; var itemCursor="pointer"; var itemTarget="_self"; var statusString="link"; var blankImage="images/blank.gif"; var pathPrefix_img=""; var pathPrefix_link=""; //--- Dimensions var menuWidth=""; var menuHeight=""; var smWidth=""; var smHeight=""; //--- Positioning var absolutePos=0; var posX="10px"; var posY="10px"; var topDX=0; var topDY=0; var DX=0; var DY=0; var subMenuAlign="left"; var subMenuVAlign="top"; //--- Font var fontStyle=["normal 11px Tahoma","normal 11px Tahoma"]; var fontColor=["#000000","#FFFFFF"]; var fontDecoration=["none","none"]; var fontColorDisabled="#AAAAAA"; //--- Appearance var menuBackColor="#FCFCFC"; var menuBackImage=""; var menuBackRepeat="repeat"; var menuBorderColor="#55A1FF"; var menuBorderWidth=1; var menuBorderStyle="solid"; //--- Item Appearance var itemBackColor=["transparent","#1665CB"]; var itemBackImage=["images/sm_back_xp.gif","images/sm_back_xp2.gif"]; var beforeItemImage=["",""]; var afterItemImage=["",""]; var beforeItemImageW=""; var afterItemImageW=""; var beforeItemImageH=""; var afterItemImageH=""; var itemBorderWidth=0; var itemBorderColor=["#FCEEB0","#4C99AB"]; var itemBorderStyle=["solid","solid"]; var itemSpacing=1; var itemPadding="0px"; var itemAlignTop="left"; var itemAlign="left"; //--- Icons var iconTopWidth=16; var iconTopHeight=16; var iconWidth=24; var iconHeight=24; var arrowWidth=7; var arrowHeight=7; var arrowImageMain=["images/blank.gif","images/blank.gif"]; var arrowWidthSub=0; var arrowHeightSub=0; var arrowImageSub=["images/arr_black_2.gif","images/arr_white_2.gif"]; //--- Separators var separatorImage="images/sep_xp.gif"; var separatorWidth="90%"; var separatorHeight="3px"; var separatorAlignment="center"; var separatorVImage="images/sep_xp.gif"; var separatorVWidth="90%"; var separatorVHeight="3px"; var separatorPadding="0px"; //--- Floatable Menu var floatable=0; var floatIterations=6; var floatableX=1; var floatableY=1; var floatableDX=15; var floatableDY=15; //--- Movable Menu var movable=0; var moveWidth=12; var moveHeight=20; var moveColor="#DECA9A"; var moveImage=""; var moveCursor="move"; var smMovable=0; var closeBtnW=15; var closeBtnH=15; var closeBtn=""; //--- Transitional Effects & Filters var transparency="100"; var transition=24; var transOptions=""; var transDuration=350; var transDuration2=200; var shadowLen=3; var shadowColor="#444444"; var shadowTop=1; //--- CSS Support (CSS-based Menu) var cssStyle=1; var cssSubmenu="submenu"; var cssItem=["item1","item2"]; var cssItemText=["text1","text2"]; //--- Advanced var dmObjectsCheck=0; var saveNavigationPath=1; var showByClick=0; var noWrap=1; var smShowPause=200; var smHidePause=1000; var smSmartScroll=1; var topSmartScroll=0; var smHideOnClick=1; var dm_writeAll=1; var useIFRAME=0; var dmSearch=0; //--- AJAX-like Technology var dmAJAX=0; var dmAJAXCount=0; var ajaxReload=0; //--- Dynamic Menu var dynamic=0; //--- Popup Menu var popupMode=0; //--- Keystrokes Support var keystrokes=1; var dm_focus=1; var dm_actKey=113; //--- Sound var onOverSnd=""; var onClickSnd=""; var itemStyles = [ ["CSS=itemStartTop,itemStartTop"], ["CSS=itemStartTopRight,itemStartTopRight"], ["CSS=itemStartMiddle,itemStartMiddle2","CSSText=textStartMiddle,textStartMiddle2"], ["CSS=itemStartMiddle,itemStartMiddle2","CSSText=textStartMiddleRight,textStartMiddleRight2"], ["CSS=itemStartBottom,itemStartBottom"], ["CSS=itemStartBottom2,itemStartBottom2"], ["CSS=itemStartMiddle,itemStartMiddle2","CSSText=textStartMiddleNormal,textStartMiddleNormal2"], ["CSS=itemStartSep,itemStartSep","CSSText=textStartSep,textStartSep"], ["CSS=itemStartMiddle,itemStartMiddle2","CSSText=textStartMiddleNormalB,textStartMiddleNormalB2"], ["CSS=itemStartMiddle,itemStartMiddle2","CSSText=textStartMiddle,textStartMiddle2","arrowImageSub=images/blank.gif,images/blank.gif"], ["CSS=itemBtn,itemBtn2","CSSText=textBtn,textBtn"], ["CSS=itemBtnTask,itemBtnTask2","CSSText=textBtnTask,textBtnTask"], ["CSS=item1,item2","CSSText=textdis,textdis"], ["CSS=itemStart,itemStart","CSSText=itemStartText,itemStartText"], ]; var menuStyles = [ ["CSS=submenuStart","smColumns=2","itemPadding=5px","itemSpacing=0"], ["CSS=taskbar","itemPadding=5px 5px 5px 7px","itemSpacing=0"], ]; var menuItems = [ ["", , "images/xpstart_btn.gif", "images/xpstart_btno.gif", "Start", "", "13", "1", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "0", "0", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Internet
Internet Explorer", , "images/icon_xp3_ie.gif", "images/icon_xp3_ieo.gif", "Opens your Internet browser.", "", "2", "", "", "", "", ], ["|My Documents
Letters, reports, documents", , "images/icon_xp3_1.gif", "images/icon_xp3_1o.gif", "Opens the My Documents folder, where you can store letters, reports, notes, and other kinds of documents.", "", "3", "", "", "", "", ], ["|E-mail
The Bat!", , "images/icon_xp3_bat.gif", "", "Opens your e-mail program so you can send or read a message.", "", "2", "", "", "", "", ], ["|My Computer
Disk drives and hardware", , "images/icon_xp3_5.gif", "images/icon_xp3_5o.gif", "", "", "3", "", "", "", "", ], ["|-", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "_", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Microsoft Word", , "images/icon_xp3_word.gif", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|My Pictures", , "images/icon_xp3_3.gif", "images/icon_xp3_3o.gif", "Opens the My Pictures folder, where you can store digital photos, images, and graphics files.", "", "3", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Winamp", , "images/icon_xp3_wa.gif", "images/icon_xp3_wao.gif", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|My Music", , "images/icon_xp3_4.gif", "images/icon_xp3_4o.gif", "Open the My Music folder, where you can sotre music and other audio files.", "", "3", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Miranda IM", , "images/icon_xp3_mir.gif", "images/icon_xp3_miro.gif", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Recent Documents", , "images/icon_xp3_2.gif", "images/icon_xp3_2o.gif", "", "", "3", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Document 1", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Document 2", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Document 3", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Document 4", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Document 5", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Document 6", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Document 7", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Control Panel", , "images/icon_xp3_6.gif", "images/icon_xp3_6o.gif", "Provides options for you to customize the apppearance and functionality of your computer, add or remove programs, and set up network connections and user accounts.", "", "8", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Set Program Access and
Defaults", , "images/icon_xp3_7.gif", "images/icon_xp3_7o.gif", "Chooses default programs for certain activities, such as Web browsing or sending e-mail, and specifies which programs are accessible from the Start menu, desktop, and other locations.", "", "8", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Connect To", , "images/icon_xp3_8.gif", "images/icon_xp3_8o.gif", "", "", "8", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Connection 1", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Connection 2", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||-", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Show all connections", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Printers and Faxes", , "images/icon_xp3_9.gif", "images/icon_xp3_9o.gif", "Shows installed printers and fax printers and helps you add new ones.", "", "8", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "_", "7", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "6", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Help and Support", , "images/icon_xp3_10.gif", "images/icon_xp3_10o.gif", "Opens a central location for Help topics, tutorials, troubleshooting, and other support services.", "", "8", "", "", "", "", ], ["|-", , "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Search", , "images/icon_xp3_11.gif", "images/icon_xp3_11o.gif", "Opens a window where you can pick search options and work with search results.", "", "8", "", "", "", "", ], ["|
All programs  
", , "", "", "", "", "9", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Home", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Product Info", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||What's New", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Features", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Easy Installation and Customization", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Dynamic Menu (Modifications 'On-The-Fly')", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Keystrokes Support", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Cross-frame Support", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Popup Mode (Contextual Menus)", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Smart Scrollable Submenus", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||CSS Support (CSS-Based Menus)", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Objects Overlapping", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Filters and Transitional Effects", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Individual Styles", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Movable & Floatable Menus", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Multilevel & Multicolumn Menus", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Several Menus on One Page", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||etc.", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Documentation", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Description of Files", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Different .js files are loaded according to selected menu features.", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Parameters Info", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "A lot of flexible parameters get you a fully customizable appearance of your menus.", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||How To Setup", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Add several rows of code within html page - your menu is ready! Use Deluxe Tuner - visual interface that allows you to create your menus easily and in no time.", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||JavaScript API", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Special JavaScript API for changing menu 'on-the-fly', without page reloading!", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Browsers List", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Internet Explorer", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Firefox", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Mozilla", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Netscape", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Opera", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Safari", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||||Konqueror", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||-", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Deluxe Tuner Application", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Deluxe Tuner is a powerful application that gives you the full control over creation and customization of Deluxe Menu. It has a user-friendly interface that allows you to create your menus easily and in no time.", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Menu Samples", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 1", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 2 (disabled)", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "_", "12", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 3", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 4", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 5", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 6", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 7", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 8", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Sample 9", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Purchase", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Single Website License", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Single website license allows you to use the menu on one Internet or Intranet site.", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Multiple Website License", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Multiple website license allows you to use the menu on any Internet or Intranet sites.", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Developer License", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Developer license allows you to use the menu on any Internet or Intranet sites and redistribute as a part of your own applications.", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||-", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|||Free Non-Profit License", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "Non-profit license allows you to use the menu on 1 NON-PROFIT INTERNET website (NOT Intranet/local website).", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["||Contacts", , "images/icon_xp3_13.gif", "images/icon_xp3_13o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ["|Run", , "images/icon_xp3_12.gif", "images/icon_xp3_12o.gif", "Opens a program, folder, document, or Web site.", "", "8", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "4", "", "", "", "", ], ["| ", , "", "", "", "", "5", "", "", "", "", ], ["", , "", "", "", "", "10", "", "", "", "", ], ["", , "", "", "", "", "10", "", "", "", "", ], ["", , "", "", "", "", "10", "", "", "", "", ], ["", , "", "", "", "", "10", "", "", "", "", ], ["", , "", "", "", "", "10", "", "", "", "", ], ["", , "", "", "", "", "10", "", "", "", "", ], ["Deluxe Menu Home","../index.html", "images/xptb_icon1.gif", "", "", "", "11", "", "", "", "", ], ["Buy Deluxe Menu","../order-deluxe-menu-purchase.html", "images/xptb_icon1.gif", "", "", "", "11", "", "", "", "", ], ]; dm_init();